DATE: 01/08/2023 

GP energia srl ​​was founded in 1998 from the experience of previous companies operating since the 1970s, with the aim of developing transport infrastructures of European relevance.

From 1998 to today, the company has consolidated professional relationships with both public bodies and structures and private companies, operating in the sector of design and construction management of large public and private infrastructures, with particular reference to the transport and road sector, and environmental design. The vast past and present professional activity has allowed the development and consolidation of an established technical structure to aid and support the production of designs for Italian Public Bodies and for International Financing Institutions, such as the Commission of the European Community or the United Nations or the World Bank.

you will be responsible for:
– Ensuring, through the acquisition, processing and monitoring of information, the short and medium term planning of investment and maintenance interventions on water networks and systems;
– Guarantee the correct and coherent request for works to the Works Management, respecting the needs expressed by the territory and the management constraints of water or electromechanical maintenance contracts;
– Produce reports for the purposes of monitoring the progress of the works.
You will work in a stimulating and constantly growing environment.

ti occuperai di:
– Assicurare tramite l’acquisizione, elaborazione e monitoraggio delle informazioni, la pianificazione a breve e medio termine degli interventi di investimento e manutenzione sulle reti e sugli impianti idrici;
– Garantire la corretta e coerente richiesta dei lavori alla Direzione Lavori rispettando le esigenze espresse dal territorio ed i vincoli di gestione degli appalti di manutenzione idrica o elettromeccanica;
– Produrre reportistica ai fini del monitoraggio sull’andamento dei lavori.
Lavorerai in un ambiente stimolante ed in continua crescita.

– You have obtained a Master’s Degree in Civil, Hydraulic or Environmental Engineering;
– You have an aptitude and good familiarity with numerical calculations;
– You have acquired good skills in data analysis and representation;
– You have excellent analytical skills and are used to taking care of details;
– You know how to work independently in managing processes and have a strong aptitude for improving them;
– You have a great aptitude for working in a team;
– You are a flexible person and have excellent problem solving;
– You have great adaptability in a changing environment;

Work location: Rome





Tel: +39 063202108